Thursday, June 7, 2012

On a gessoing break

The other day, after hours of gessoing I went on a walk with a friend. Time outside the studio, away from the smell of gesso, and some fresh air did me good!

Is "gessoing" a word? My spell checker thinks it's wrong.

Somewhere on the east side of upper Manhattan right before the rain came in...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Days, weeks, and now a month

Yes, it's been a while since my last post. Granted I have been busy with out of town guests, seeing new/old friends, having my kitchen renovated, dealing with the consequences of losing a best friend, weekends on Fire Island, going on strange dates, prepping for my next show, family issues, applying to random things, and last but not least ... getting myself an intern.

These last few weeks have also reminded me of something I thought was missing in NY. Love. My good friend/former office wife, who I call G got engaged to her amazing boyfriend of 4 years. I won't bore you with details of their love story but selfishly their engagement reminded me that love in New York is possible. At times, a city like New York can be the worst possible city to be single in. Carrie Bradshaw made it seem so easy! But it's moments like discovering your friends got engaged that reaffirms your belief in the possibility of love in New York.

Anyway .... I hate that it's June and time already feels like it's flying by. In these last few months all my thoughts are about my up coming projects and I wanted to share some of the process pics. Also I thought some random pictures + videos would be hilarious too.


check it out
So true
Look what I found in the middle of Fire Island
Love in New York . . . go figure
on my way to Fire Island

getting my studio organized