Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Busy Beaver

Maybe it's the lame winter we are having in NY but I have been producing work like crazy.  I have been cutting out so many images, working on new panels, and finishing up pieces that have been in the works for so long.  Here is a sneak peak at what I currently doing in the studio:
Crazy lips and random red images.

Prada magazine of their 2010 summer collection.  It's like gold to me.


Random supplies I use. Yes I still use spray paint.  Don't you just love my rug!

The mess of my floor

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Please forgive me

Sorry I haven't been around much ... it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted something due to a number of factors. Without boring you with sappy details, excuses, or witty remarks I am just going to show you what I have been busy with.

I recently found a number of CATWOMAN images! HOORAY!!!!



How many CATWOMAN faces do you see?

My kitchen table becomes my art desk in a matter of moments


More tools

Fresh panel . . . it smells so good

Fun time in the woodshop

Panel number 2

Finished piece. Title "Cat Ford". I'll explain later

Detail pic